
Rose petals melt
painting the dirt
dripping with red 
this is absurd
growing in numbers
all in my head
crying myself
I'm still in bed
drowning in thorns
screaming in wax
I don't know how
to ever get back
rose petals melt
all over the floor
I don't belong here
I don't want more 

The long game

I want out
but the screams mean nothing
keeps people thinking
your brain is wired funny
I want the walls to all collapse
but it’s just a judgment lapse
it’s everything
you never should be into
explorers lie in graves
they never meant to
screams mean nothing in the bedroom
sleep is just another way to pray
when nightmares bring the dreams you crave
anything is better than mundane
the luxury is priced higher than the pay
doesn’t give it back it’s just decay
safety is a trap
a very long game

Sandman screams

We sleep and dream
of where we might not be
a time to sleep
where we no longer bleed
fear it comes
and knocks upon the door
we drown
we fly
we do not ask for more
than laying on the floorboards
laughing on a shelf
bringing up the children
reminding them of health
teaching them to go clear
and how to sleep too dream
to be wide awake at midnight
to hear the sandman scream

All I’ve got

Please just let me go
if you don’t think I know
the hate you gave me to eat
I chew the fat and drink the rain
the rain it falls from tears I make
please just unchain me now
you don’t hear the very sound
of me screaming crying out
let me go or kill this flesh
bleed me dry drink what’s left
please just free me from this hell
I once did think you knew me well
but now I’m crying in the dark
the hate you give it’s all I’ve got


It all comes crumbling down
tick the clocks and run right now
burn the pictures trash the house
tear the curtains break the mirrors
we are dying breaking fear
it all comes down crumbling so
the world we’ve lost, lost all we know
broken pictures broken dreams
we got lost in all our screams
tick the clocks and tock the time
we all crumble before we die

The bell

Sound the bell
I’m off to hell
a brand new adventure
for me to sell
a life less lived
though in my head
the dreams often come
though remain quite dead
sound the bell
all the chimes
keep the words off all the rhymes
cherish that which is not mine
the children scream
as we continue
move through fire
the hell you’ve been to
drop the drink and all facade
sound the bell
and do no harm

Dance until morning

Let’s dance, dance, dance
until we rip ourselves in half
until we bleed it out
like rain upon the crowd
New Years eve
everything you drink
is another fucking dream
let’s dance, dance, dance
and rip ourselves in half
throw ourselves away
and burn into decay
let’s dance and bleed our sorrow
keep burning out tomorrow
dance and dance we follow
swallow our blood like rain
drips on tongue in vain
let’s dance until we bleed
let’s dance, dance, dance
until we can’t hear the screams

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.


Poetic Armour of Genres

Author Joanne Reed

This is Your Quest - Your Mission to Find Happiness

Elysian Thoughts

What is poetry without Emotion?

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog