A moment that never stops

I'll give you something sweet
blood of my favorite predator 
I'll tell you something meek 
pretend that I'm not on top
give you something simple
keep you running hot
scared of a little touch 
a fever that gets you off
I'll give you something faded
a moment that never stops

Something sweet

Give me something simple
give me something sweet
love me like a candle
light me for the heat
love me like the night
sleep with me so sound
give me something simple
touch me softly now
give me something sweet
a little of your love
touch me oh so softly
fit me like a glove
give me what I'm needing
give me what I want
give me something sweet
love me until I'm numb

Bitter candy

Bitter piece of candy
resting on my tongue
doesn't chew so simply
not like bubblegum
burning in its spot
my mouth becomes too hot
and I can't spit it out
can't even swallow it down
bitter piece of candy
coating all my words
cannot speak for nothing
cannot break the hurt
sweetness never coming
at least that's how it feels
drowning into nothing
my mind it screams and reels 

It’s simple

It's not so simple
you think it's easy
but it's not
all of a sudden
you're grown up
and it feels weird
you just sort of
got dropped off here
and when everyone is looking at you
like you've got something brand new
like you'll walk and you'll stumble
those heels are too high
you glow like a fire
your makeup isn't right
you just got here yesterday
but you want to be displayed
suddenly you feel okay
you just want to play all day
in front of the camera
new eyes they can scan you
treat you like a long night
scream until you're tongue tied
because you've arrived
you're legal and it's alright
people get weird after midnight
yeah they forget that you want to fly
drive long and curvy dark roads
dance like you'll never go home
it's not simple
but it's easy to explain
because it's simple 
that it happens this way 
when you're grown 
you just want to play 

Message sent

I think I do better
better without you
got my head all cleared up
and a whole new outlook
got a message in a bottle
and it says you’re not mine
I think I do better without you
so I’m reading it all the damn time
ain’t really that simple
but it’s not complicated
I may want you a lot
but my ass ain’t that jaded
the message that I got
says you ain’t my savior
and not actually my friend
so I think I’ll do better
without seeing our end

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.


Poetic Armour of Genres

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This is Your Quest - Your Mission to Find Happiness

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Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

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