Simon says

Simon says to play
to play all day and take
take all the me time
remember selfish is not a crime
it’s good to relax and be
yourself no matter the need
the setting or the song
we don’t need to get along
Simon says don’t laugh
don’t think about the bad
look to what we have solved
through tantrums and join the mob
Simon says to make the day
better and special to stay
all safety and joy can be yours
but Simon keeps that last from words.

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.


Poetic Armour of Genres

Author Joanne Reed

This is Your Quest - Your Mission to Find Happiness

Elysian Thoughts

What is poetry without Emotion?

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog