When words wound

This offends me but not him
I am oppressed so I win
I don’t like the things you love
I don’t like the words made up
I hate apes because they’re racist
I hate dogs because of bitches
I hate dikes because it’s offensive
this is life but I have objections
this offends me so give me protections
what ever happened to dealing with it
proving them wrong and turning it quick
finish the insult they have begun
don’t listen to haters just reach for the sun
we’ve made excuses out of offense
we no longer battle we ask permission
we are not strong, empowered or woke
we just gave in and became our own joke.

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.


Poetic Armour of Genres

Author Joanne Reed

This is Your Quest - Your Mission to Find Happiness

Elysian Thoughts

What is poetry without Emotion?

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog