
She beats him in the night
telling him he ain't right
says no one will believe you
singing her own screams
she punches and scratches
and he just takes it
she says
no one will believe you
he believed it
and the world agreed 
she's blameless in the sea
swimming in the ocean of abuse
she wins again and again
says she's always maintained love
lying through her teeth
he recorded her words
and we all turned away
she beat him down
he turned it around
and now we're judging blind.

Team Female

Don’t say the name
play the guessing game
believe the first to speak
don’t review actions or think
believe the one who states
the most emotional case
don’t think manipulation
don’t think material gains
forget revenge exist
and don’t believe
Chris Hardwick.

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.


Poetic Armour of Genres

Author Joanne Reed

This is Your Quest - Your Mission to Find Happiness

Elysian Thoughts

What is poetry without Emotion?

Passport Overused

Showing the beauty of this world through the people, places and culture

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A Collaborative Mental Health Blog